Exploring the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Managerial Decision Making a Comparative Study of India and the United States


  • Dr. Daniel Evans Author


Cultural Diversity, Managerial Decision Making, Comparative Study, Cross-Cultural Management, Global Business Environment


This research investigates the influence of cultural diversity on managerial decision-making processes by conducting a comparative analysis between India and the United States. Cultural diversity has become a prominent feature in today's globalized business environment, with organizations operating in increasingly diverse settings. The study aims to discern how cultural differences in these two distinct societies shape managerial decision-making styles, strategies, and outcomes. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. Interviews with managerial professionals, surveys distributed among employees, and an in-depth analysis of organizational case studies will be utilized to gather comprehensive insights. The cultural dimensions framework proposed by Geert Hofstede will serve as the theoretical foundation for understanding cultural variations, encompassing dimensions such as power distance, individualism-collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity, and long-term orientation. The comparative study will explore how cultural diversity affects communication patterns, conflict resolution strategies, and the overall decision-making dynamics within managerial teams in both Indian and American contexts. By examining real-world examples of managerial decision-making scenarios, the research seeks to identify commonalities and divergences in the impact of cultural diversity on decision outcomes. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on cross-cultural management and provide practical insights for organizations operating in diverse environments. The research outcomes aim to assist managers and decision-makers in developing culturally sensitive approaches that enhance the effectiveness of decision-making processes in culturally diverse teams. Furthermore, the study may have broader implications for policymakers and educators by shedding light on the importance of cultural competence in fostering successful global collaborations and intercultural understanding in the business world.




How to Cite

Exploring the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Managerial Decision Making a Comparative Study of India and the United States. (2022). International Journal of Transcontinental Discoveries, ISSN: 3006-628X, 9(1), 1-6. https://internationaljournals.org/index.php/ijtd/article/view/43

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