Evaluating the Role of E-Governance in Promoting Transparency and Accountability in India


  • Dr. Haris Lilly Author


E-Governance, Transparency, Accountability, India, Citizen Engagement.


In recent years, the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies has prompted governments worldwide to adopt electronic governance (e-governance) as a means to enhance transparency and accountability in public administration. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of e-governance initiatives in India in promoting transparency and accountability within the governmental system. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of key e-governance indicators and qualitative assessments through case studies and stakeholder interviews. The study focuses on the implementation of various e-governance tools and platforms, including online portals, mobile applications, and data analytics systems, across different levels of the Indian government. The quantitative aspect involves the measurement of the accessibility, usability, and responsiveness of e-governance platforms, assessing their impact on citizen engagement and participation. Key performance indicators such as user satisfaction, service delivery efficiency, and the reach of e-governance services will be analyzed to gauge the overall effectiveness of these initiatives. On the qualitative front, case studies will be conducted to understand the challenges and successes of specific e-governance projects in promoting transparency and accountability. Stakeholder interviews with government officials, technology experts, and citizens will provide insights into the perceived benefits, drawbacks, and potential areas for improvement in the current e-governance landscape




How to Cite

Evaluating the Role of E-Governance in Promoting Transparency and Accountability in India. (2014). International Journal of Transcontinental Discoveries, ISSN: 3006-628X, 1(1), 13-19. https://internationaljournals.org/index.php/ijtd/article/view/7

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