Socio-Economic Life in Sirhind during the Mughal Era


  • Reena Author


This paper explores the socio-economic landscape of Sirhind during the Mughal era, shedding light on various 
facets of life in this significant historical period. Sirhind, situated in present-day Punjab, India, emerged as a 
pivotal center under Mughal rule, witnessing a confluence of diverse cultures, trade routes, and administrative 
systems.The socio-economic fabric of Sirhind during the Mughal era was characterized by a blend of indigenous 
traditions and Mughal influences. The Mughal Empire's administrative apparatus facilitated the establishment 
of governance structures, including revenue collection mechanisms and law enforcement, which significantly 
impacted the region's socio-economic dynamics.Trade and commerce thrived in Sirhind during the Mughal era, 
propelled by its strategic location along key trade routes connecting Central Asia, Persia, and India. The influx 
of merchants from various parts of the world contributed to the cosmopolitan nature of Sirhind, fostering 
cultural exchange and economic prosperity.Furthermore, agriculture played a vital role in the economy of 




How to Cite

Socio-Economic Life in Sirhind during the Mughal Era. (2017). International Journal of Transcontinental Discoveries, ISSN: 3006-628X, 4(1), 33-38.